Darwin Day is just around the corner, and it's a special one this year: the bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth (Feb 12th, 1809). Darwin Day is a great opportunity not just to commemorate Charles Darwin, but also to actively promote the teaching and understanding of evolution and of the scientific approach in general.
First off, for everyone who's inquired about getting t-shirts in time for Darwin Day, yes it's still possible :) . You can see our full selection of evolution-themed t-shirts
here, or you can go straight to our two most popular designs here:
We have various styles and color combinations to choose from, but if you don't see something you like, email us anytime for a custom color version at no extra charge.
Next, a couple of links to bring to your attention about Darwin Day and some (free!) ways to participate as well. Most notably is the 'Blog for Darwin' initiative, which will be a blog swarm of Darwin posts and sure to be a fascinating read: you can read about how to get involved
here. If you're looking for a local event to celebrate Darwin Day at, check out DarwinDay.org's database of local celebrations
here. There are also a lot of great Darwin tidbits posted at
The Dispersal of Darwin including things like television programs during Darwin Day week.
Last but not least, if you've never read "
The Voyage of the Beagle" this is a great time to pick it up and learn more about Charles Darwin the person. The book is a fascinating journal of Darwin's descriptions and reflections on local geology and biology, as well as anecdotes of his voyage. Darwin writes with an engaging voice and captures a lot of vibrant detail on his journey. A must-read for anyone interested in Darwin, evolutionary biology, or early geology.
Happy Darwin Day!