The holidays are fast upon us... so to make sure you don't miss out on getting any holiday presents to your friends and family, please take note of our holiday shipping deadlines:
Science T-Shirts USA and
Egyptian Hieroglyphics shops:
Christmas deadlines
Dec 10: International shipments (by UPS International)
Dec 17: USA domestic shipments (by UPS Ground)
Dec 18: USA domestic shipments (by UPS 3-Day)
Dec 21: USA domestic shipments (by UPS Express)
Hanukkah deadlines
Dec 10: USA domestic shipments (by UPS Ground)
Science T-Shirts EU shop:
Christmas deadlines
Dec 12: EU domestic shipments (by EU Standard Post)
Dec 18: EU domestic shipments (by EU Express Post)*
*(not available to all countries. All shipments originate from Germany.)
Hanukkah deadlines
Dec 06: EU domestic shipments (by EU Standard Post)
Don't forget that shipment speeds faster than standard/ground are more expensive... so it pays not to wait until the last minute ;). Be sure to double-check the options for your country of origin / country of destination combination, and if you are in any doubt, feel free to email us.
Thanks again and have a wonderful holiday :).